Friday, August 20, 2010

Work Sucks..But Then Again

Hmmm worked almost all day today, which ruined my afternoon...lovely. Buy it wasn't all that bad, I like meeting all the people who love to shop in Macy's (that's where I work). Some people act really weird and some just are weird overall. Let's say a shirt cost $10.00 and with tax its a little less than $11. Some women will go to the extent to get as much possible off as they could. One lady today said to me "The sign over there says 100% off". I shook my head, holding in my laughter, and told her that the register told me the price was blah blah blah. I've had customers who go to the extent to lie to me about their life story so they can get more off. OK i mean i get it if you want to save a few bucks there or there, but please no lies or no trying to hassle every dollar off the purchase.

But away from cheap people, some women I've met and talked to, are really nice people. Sometimes people just need someone to talk to and when I'm there, I don't mind just listening to them. Whether it's a comment on the way it fits or looks on her, its nice to talk to people who just want you to acknowledge them. I've had hour long conversations about clothes and has even led to talk about personal lives.

Sometimes, though, work can be a pain in the ass behind. If only I was young again and we could play with those toy cash registers and things were better and easier back then. No required hours of playing with the register. No managers who "managed" your every move. Sigh, those were the days.
Days full of fake money and annoying beeping sounds as your little fingers pushed the numbers on it. Hitting the button that makes the cash drawer come out and getting all excited when seeing all the money, then learning it won't actually work in the stores.

But aside from work, my dad has come over to spend the weekend with me. That was the only thing i was counting the minutes for as the day went by. My daddy doesn't live with me so I get to see him, at the most, once a month, maybe even once in two months. And the best part, he bought me foood! Yes i know, food. Sorry for being excited to receive french fries smothered with delicious rich homemade ketchup. Oh, if you tasted this piece of heaven, you'd probably want more and more till your stomach wouldn't be able to hold it in anymore. Then burst, if you get my drift. "Mamamia Papapia, Baby's got the dia...HEY"! :)

I'm going to end with a quote by Lillian Dickson, "Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once."

Roger OUT.

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